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My Talks#

Quick links: Sessionize | Speaker Deck

Talks on Sessionize#

Here are the talks I submit to conferences and hence keep them on Sessionize:


The video recordings are referenced in these YouTube playlists:

More Talks#

Not all sessions are available on Sessionize. I have already stopped giving most of Jenkins talks though I can refresh some upon request. I often give specialized talks for different technology stacks (e.g. Java/JVM, Golang, Cloud Native, Embedded, C++ or .NET) for my clients and at local meetups, and do not normally submit them to bigger events.

Management, Open Source and Culture#

Gradle and Gradle Build Tool#

WireMock and Testcontainers#


Note: I delivered more than 50 talks on Jenkins, there are just a few recent ones. DM me if you want to discuss any specific area, I still remember some bits :wink:

Observability, OpenTelemetry and CDEvents#


  • OpenFeature - Making feature flags a commodity
    • Presented at: Data on Kubernetes Meetup
    • Slides, Video
  • Feature Flags management and OpenFeature BoF - DevopsDays Zurich 2022

Keptn v1#

  • Thank you Keptn Obvious! Making SLOs observable with Keptn and Prometheus
    • French edition at Devoxx FR 2022: Slides
  • Open Source @ Siemens 2022 - Getting app observability to the next stage (with Keptn)

Developer Tools in General#

Embedded and Hardware#

  • API Integration Testing of Embedded projects with Testcontainers and WireMock.
    • Presented at: QA\&Test 2023
    • Slides
  • State of LibreCores CI, 2017
    • Presented at: ORCONF 2017
    • Slides.
  • Managing Embedded System test infrastructures with Docker and Jenkins
    • Presented at: Embedded Conference Scandinavia; 2017; Stockholm.
    • Slides
  • LibreCores CI. Project Overview
    • Presented at: ORCONF 2016; Bologna, Italy.
    • Slides
  • Automating Hardware/Embedded Projects with Jenkins.
  • Jenkins-Based Continuous Integration for Heterogeneous Hardware and Software Projects.
    • Presented at: Jenkins User Conference 2015, London.
    • Video, Slides

Podcasts and Interviews#

See the recordings of the video interviews here.