External Resources#
Code, articles and videos related to WireMock from around the web.
WireMocha is a WireMock plugin for IntelliJ: Plugin Page
Mark Winteringham wrote a very handy Chrome extension to provide a UI over WireMock: http://www.mwtestconsultancy.co.uk/wiremock-chrome-extension/
Spring Contract Verifier (previously called Accurest) is a consumer driven contracts tool that generates WireMock stub mappings as examples for client testing. http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/
A Spring REST Docs integration for WireMock that generates WireMock stub mappings from your test cases: https://github.com/epages-de/restdocs-wiremock
WireMock Maven Plugin: https://github.com/automatictester/wiremock-maven-plugin
Maciej Walkowiak has built a library providing zero-config, fully declarative Spring Boot integration with WireMock in JUnit 5 tests: https://github.com/maciejwalkowiak/wiremock-spring-boot
for Spring REST controllers, built by Lukasz Gryzbon, makes the creation of WireMock stubs for tests safe and effortless:
Felipe Fernández has built a Spock extension to enhance automation around record and replay functionality: https://github.com/felipefzdz/spock-wiremock-extension
Automate configuration of stubs, given JAX-RS annotated resources, with this extension: https://github.com/tomasbjerre/wiremock-jaxrs
WireMock Extensions#
Listing of WireMock Extensions is now available on the documentation site here.
Other languages#
Most of the language integrations are linked from the Documentation Root. Below there are some technologies that are yet to be added.
PHP client by Rowan Hill: https://github.com/rowanhill/wiremock-php
Ruby wrapper by Jeffres S. Morgan: https://rubygems.org/gems/service_mock
Groovy binding by Tom Jankes: https://github.com/tomjankes/wiremock-groovy
Dusan Dević at Yenlo wrote a useful guide to testing error conditions in the WSO2 ESB using Wiremock: https://www.yenlo.com/blog/wso2torial-error-handling-in-wso2-esb-with-wiremock
Phill Barber has written a couple of interesting posts about practical testing scenarios with WireMock: http://phillbarber.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/how-to-write-end-to-end-tests-for-nginx.html http://phillbarber.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/how-to-test-for-connection-leaks.html
Bas Dijkstra kindly open sourced the content for the workshop he ran on WireMock and REST Assured: http://www.ontestautomation.com/open-sourcing-my-workshop-on-wiremock/
for Spring REST controllers, built by Lukasz Gryzbon, makes the creation of WireMock stubs for tests safe and effortless:
WireMock workshop: https://github.com/basdijkstra/wiremock-workshop
Fluent and thorough live-coding demonstration of WireMock delivered by Sam Edwards at DevFest DC: https://youtu.be/x3MvZ8DFrpE
Sebastian Daschner presents a step-by-step guide to running your acceptance tests in Kubernetes using WireMock: https://blog.sebastian-daschner.com/entries/acceptance_tests_wiremock_kubernetes
Interesting and detailed presentation by Lotte Johansen on testing microservices with WireMock at Norway's top online marketplace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmJfMnGK-r0
Chris Batey did an excellent talk at Skillsmatter in London about building fault tolerant microservices. He showed some practical failure testing strategies using WireMock and Saboteur he'd used for real while working at Sky: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/5810-building-fault-tolerant-microservices
Daniel Bryant's excellent QCon presentation “The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices” covers the full gamut of microservice anti-patterns seen in the wild, with some sound advice on how to fix them. WireMock and Saboteur get an honourable mention in the testing discussion: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/7-sins-microservices
The folks at Intuit have built a very impressive and ambitious testing setup, using WireMock to isolate individual services. Here's a talk they did at AWS:Reinvent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLhr1KZpdzuke5pqzTvI2ZxwP8-NwLACuU&v=sUsh3EnzKKk
Tom and Rob Elliot gave a join talk at Skillsmatter about patterns for readable and scalable tests with WireMock, and an approach for unit testing a CDN: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/6853-scalable-management-of-test-data-making-tests-readable