Testcontainers for C/C++ module#
Recently we created an experimental WireMock module for Testcontainers for C/C++. It allows provisioning the WireMock server as a standalone container within your tests, based on WireMock Docker. It allows using WireMock with all popular C/C++ testing frameworks like Google Test, CTest, Doctest, QtTest or CppUnit.
The module is distributed as a shared library and a header, and hence can be potentially included into other programming languages that support including native C libraries, for example Lua, D, Swift, etc. None of that has been tested yet, so we will appreciate your contributions!
Initializing WireMock:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "testcontainers-c-wiremock.h"
int main() {
printf("Creating new container: %s\n", DEFAULT_WIREMOCK_IMAGE);
int requestId = tc_wm_new_default_container();
tc_wm_with_mapping(requestId, "test_data/hello.json", "hello");
tc_with_file(requestId, "test_data/hello.json", "/home/wiremock/mappings/hello2.json");
struct tc_run_container_return ret = tc_run_container(requestId);
int containerId = ret.r0;
if (!ret.r1) {
printf("Failed to run the container: %s\n", ret.r2);
if (containerId != -1) { // Print container log
char* log = tc_get_container_log(containerId);
if (log != NULL) {
printf("\n%s\n", log);
return -1;
// ...
Sending HTTP requests
struct WireMock_Mapping mapping = tc_wm_get_mappings(containerId);
if (mapping.responseCode != 200) {
printf("Failed to get WireMock mapping: %s\n", mapping.error);
return -1;
} else {
printf("WireMock Mapping:\n%s\n", mapping.json);
printf("Sending HTTP request to the container\n");
struct tc_send_http_get_return response = tc_send_http_get(containerId, 8080, "/hello");
if (response.r0 == -1) {
printf("Failed to send HTTP request: %s\n", response.r2);
return -1;
if (response.r0 != 200) {
printf("Received wrong response code: %d instead of %d\n%s\n", response.r0, 200, response.r2);
return -1;
printf("Server Response: HTTP-%d\n%s\n\n", response.r0, response.r1);
return 0;