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WireMock Captain#

WireMock Captain provides an easy interface for testing HTTP-based APIs. Tests are implemented in TypeScript or JavaScript with the Node.js runtime. Mocking is performed by WireMock, which typically runs in a Docker container. Note that this library is maintained outside the WireMock organization on GitHub.


import { WireMock } from 'wiremock-captain';

describe('Integration with WireMock', () => {
  // Connect to WireMock
  const wiremockEndpoint = 'http://localhost:8080';
  const mock = new WireMock(wiremockEndpoint);

  test('mocks downstream service', async () => {
    const request: IWireMockRequest = {
      method: 'POST',
      endpoint: '/test-endpoint',
      body: {
        hello: 'world',
    const mockedResponse: IWireMockResponse = {
      status: 200,
      body: { goodbye: 'world' },
    await mock.register(request, mockedResponse);

    // rest of the test

WireMock REST Client#

The WireMock REST client is a lightweight module to interact with a running WireMock server based on its OpenAPI 3.0 spec via REST API. Note that this library is maintained outside the WireMock organization on GitHub.

import { WireMockRestClient } from 'wiremock-rest-client';

const wireMock = new WireMockRestClient('http://localhost:8080');
const stubMappings = await wireMock.mappings.getAllMappings();
