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wiremock-unused-stubs-extension is an admin extension for WireMock that adds a new endpoint, /__admin/unused_mappings, for finding and removing stub mappings that have not matched any requests in the journal. This is useful in conjunction with Record and Playback for pruning generated stub mappings.


Run gradle jar to build the JAR without dependencies or gradle fatJar to build a standalone JAR. These will be placed in build/libs/.


Standalone server:

java -jar build/libs/wiremock-unused-stubs-extension-0.3-standalone.jar

With WireMock standalone JAR:

wget -nc
java \
        -cp wiremock-standalone-2.14.0.jar:build/libs/wiremock-unused-stubs-extension-0.3.jar \
        com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.standalone.WireMockServerRunner \

Programmatically in Java:

new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig()


  • Call GET /__admin/unused_mappings to retrieve an array of stub mappings that have not matched any requests in the request journal.
  • Call DELETE /__admin/unused_mappings to remove all such stub mappings. By default, any body files used by the stub mappings (typically stored in the "__files" directory) will preserved. To remove those too, pass "remove_files" in the query, i.e. DELETE /__admin/unused_mappings?remove_files